Congratulations to Cody and Blakely Thomson for their amazing daily XShot self-portraits.

The two sisters just returned from a month-long excursion to Europe and have totally and skillfully mastered the art of positioning the angle of their arms and the XShot extender itself in order to maintain the mystery, which resulted in the repeated question of, “Who is taking all these awesome photos of you girls?!”

We chose one of our favorite pictures for the picture of the month July selection and elected it the most  gorgeous #travel XShot self-portrait so far! Stay tuned to see more of the #2sisters2backpacks adventures.

2sisters2backpacks xshot

Photo: #2sisters2backpacks

Please continue to share your pictures with us : we love it and you may be selected like this one and win prizes. You can email them at , or upload them directly on our Facebook page.

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